Giving opportunities

Promoting Liberty

In our quest to promote libertarian ideas, we have created centers, newsletters, journals, gatherings, publications, and projects, to conduct research, analysis, and dissemination of important concepts related to liberty and their application to real world problems.


Luces de Desarrollo (Poverty Stoplight)

Seeks to activate the potential of the individual to lift themselves out of poverty. It is a framework that helps individuals gain an awareness of their situation and encourages them to change it. It is both a tool and a methodology.


Antigua Forum

An invitation-only gathering of individuals who believe in the power of human ingenuity and free enterprise to dramatically improve the well-being of people everywhere. It is a problem-solving event, to turn game-changing initiatives into concrete action plans.

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Center for the Analysis of Public Choice —CADEP—

Founded with the aim of promoting the theory of public choice. It has focused on promoting research on political and economic issues, promotes the theory of public choice, and seeks to spread the values of a society of free and responsible people.


Market Trends

Seeks to analyze economic movements and especially those that occur in financial markets. Data is analyzed, preserving the core of the Austrian School of Economics, bringing it closer to a credit theory compatible with current financial practices.

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Liberty in Action

The purpose of Liberty in Action is to advance the mission of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, using an interdisciplinary learning model, in which students apply the principles of liberty to societal challenges: devising and creating prototype private, voluntary, and free market solutions.

Spaces and Buildings

Each space on the UFM campus continues the legacy of the founders: teaching the principles of a free society through an outstanding higher education. The Muso Ayau Library will protect the legacy of its founder and its spaces will help disseminate the principles of the free society.

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Muso Ayau Library

UFM has been spreading the ethical, legal, and economic principles of a society of free and responsible persons for more than 50 years. To celebrate such an important mission, we are building the Muso Ayau Library, in memory of the innovator, rebel, and first president of this university.


UFM attracts the brightest talent and promotes learning through careers, activities, and projects that spread the ideas of liberty. For this purpose, it grants scholarships to support outstanding students with limited means, who otherwise would be unable to pay for their studies. This is how we take the ideas of liberty to every corner of Guatemala.

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ITA scholarship program (Promoting Academic Talent)

The university’s scholarship program has identified the most talented, most motivated, students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, giving them the opportunity to get all the help they need to earn a university degree. Funds for the program come from private donations.

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Manuel F. Ayau Society

Manuel F. Ayau and his friends founded UFM in 1971. His contribution to liberty is unmatched. Funds raised in his memory are used for the ITA scholarship program, and the visiting professor program in economics.

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Doctor Rafael Minondo Scholarship for Excellence

A scholarship fund was established in his name to assist Guatemalan UFM medical students, with an average grade of more than 80 points, who have already completed the first two years, and face financial difficulties in finishing their degree.

History and Culture

At UFM, we think that liberty is key to answering the fundamental questions about human action in society; individuals interacting in society through time. We also think that a people should know and understand their past, to be able to advance in the conquest of liberty.

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Explorations on History

In 2006, UFM launched this program with a dual objective: to create greater recognition for the increasing amount of historical-artistic heritage that UFM has received over the years, and, at the same time, use that heritage as a reminder for the need to focus historical studies on the actions of each person in the past.

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Casa Popenoe

In 2007, the Popenoe family donated the house in Antigua Guatemala to UFM. Through Casa Popenoe, we have had the opportunity to reevaluate the Spanish-Guatemalan period from the 16th to the early 19th centuries (erroneously known as the colonial period), but also the recovery of Antigua Guatemala itself.

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In 2006, UFM created the map library, with the mission of conserving and preserving more than 880 old maps, donated by great individuals. Some are hanging on the walls of the Ludwig von Mises Library while others have been placed in special folders, prepared by the preservation and conservation workshop staff.

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Popol Vuh Museum

Since its donation in 1978, the university has housed one of the main collections of pre-Columbian art. The collection encompasses more than 5,000 objects, including masterpieces of the country’s Mesoamerican and colonial art.

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Ludwig von Mises Library

The library was founded in 1971 and later baptized with this name, in honor of the illustrious Austrian economist, one of the most prominent liberal thinkers of the 20th century. It provides access to a large collection of physical and up-to-date digital content.


Arteteca UFM

This program aims to promote the ideas of freedom through art. To achieve this, four main areas are taken into account: preservation, restoration, cataloging, and dissemination of works by renowned artists that have been donated to UFM.


Effective environmental protection depends on the establishment of institutions that protect individual rights and recognizing that private property is an essential condition for improving the quality of the environment.

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Arboretum UFM

From 1980, with the acquisition of the land to build the campus, preserving the forest has been contemplated within the architectural design. The UFM Arboretum was born with the aim of conserving more than 1,000 species of flora and fauna that were at risk of disappearing.